Thrombocytes are protozoa

V. Ulmann

Experimentally confirmed


The thrombocytes are protozoa. Blood. Vessels. Rheumatism. Heart. Hemostasis.

Human and animal thrombocytes are able to the growth and reproduction.

They concerned to be colonial suctorial infusoria, that is in a steep symbiosis with the person

The statement is based on that

1. At continuous observation of any thrombocytes forms in native preparations of blood their growth and reproduction are marked.

2. It is possible to set apart out of any person is blood the culture of the elementary organisms possessing the properties thrombocytes, which are selected from blood.

Properties of thrombocytes

1. The thrombocytes can exist in the liquid nutritious environment, on the solid surface environments, can behave both cellular and intracellular parasitism.

2. The living place of thrombocytes is in the macro-organism: a surface of vessels and the erythrocytes, connective tissue, blood plasma and etc.

3. Power supply separate thrombocytes and the colonies (actually of common cell) is intracellular.

The environment is sucked in by a cell, the ferments are selected into closed area, the digestion and neutralizing of harmful substances takes place, the necessary is swallowed, but unnecessary is rejected .

4. The shell of plates is impenetrable, and it is very difficult to effect on at plate by medicine.

5. The process culture development take place in different periods, from one week up to eight, depending on health of the donor.


1. The thrombocytes is the reason of rheumatism.

2 The thrombocytes damage blood-vascular vessels. The thrombocytes plates are the colonies of thrombocytes, having fed by cells of vessels.

3. The thrombocytes exhaust the erythrocytes, reduce their elasticity-blockage of capillary tubes. Shortage of oxygen.

4. The thrombocytes damage the leucocytes, feeding them and the protective forces of a body systems go down.

At intracellular activity there can be a heredity change of a cell and the cancer happens as a corollary.

5. The thrombocytes in any part of a body system that leads to inflammations.

6. It is possible to take the thrombocytes from the haemophilia patient, to multiply them on the artificial nutritious environment, to wash and introduce them into blood of the patient. There is need for a selection of the donor.

All said above are requires to be repeat independent and experimental check. Repeated.


The existing theory

The thrombocytes is corpuscle of blood.

They are derived from ancestor hemopoietic of a cell having passed megakaryocytary path of development.

The theory the basis on observations.

It is not known why ancestor hemopoietic cell enters the megakaryocytary path of development and is transformed in thrombocytes.

The link between the existing theory and established property

The thrombocyte penetrates into the ancestor cell, lives there and is multiplied. When nothing is remained thrombocytes leave a cell.

The property of thrombocytes to grow and to be multiplied does not contradict any of known experimental facts.


It is incredibly! Much needs to be revised!

There are haematologists, able to pick thrombocytes out of blood, detecting them in blood preparations, informed about their properties and methods of their researches, but they did not deal closely with microbiology and parasitology.

There are microbiologists and parasitologists, capable to work with cultures of cells, but they do not aware of thrombocytes, even while they cultivate them.

There is no measurement standard - culture of thrombocytes have obtained the right for existence.

Everybody is infected with thrombocytes. As to thrombocytes, they are sloth and extremely polymorphous - are diverse, to be correct their colonies.

The thrombocytes are need to prove, that they are independent organisms, proceeding of the broad concept of Life.

What it is need to check up?

1. At certain conditions the thrombocytes increase weight and reproduce to itself similar.

It is possible to be convinced carrying out continuous observations after various forms.

2 It is possible any persons blood to select from the culture of protozoa possessing thrombocytes properties.


This check is able to realize by separate experimenters or a group of two-three persons.


There will be the private donations in different form.

At present funds for financing of independent checks are collecting.

I have a favor to ask of you to name thrombocytes after Ludmila, in honour of the woman whose suffering have inspired me to conduct these researches.


Ref. "Propagation of thrombocytes?", Kaliningrad, 1994,M. Lifanovsky,V. Ulmann.

Address: Russia,238600,a/ja 23,t.Slavsk,Kaliningrad obl.,tel.0116331764.

Valentin Ulmann.
